Research Achievements
The following is a list of various research papers on koji, including microorganisms. Click on the title to view.
Effect of the koji variety of Aspergillus species on the flavor formation of imo-shochu (Part2) Difference in volatile compounds and sensory evaluations of imo-shochu(2,5MB)
Effect of the koji variety of Aspergillus species on the flavor formation of imo-shochu (Part1) Differences in enzyme activity of koji and imo-shochu moromi (2,6MB)
Diversification of Honkaku-shochu using different Aspergillus luchuensis. (2,1MB)
Characteristic odour compounds in shochu derived from rice koji (626KB)
Effects of the addition of a protease agent to imo-shochu moromi on the volatile compounds and sensory characteristics of imo-shochu. The original paper is written in Japanese. (642KB)
Effects of amino acids on the flavor formation of imo-shochu The original paper is written in Japanese. (542KB)
Function Analysis of Glycolytic Enzyme from Aspergillus oryzae in Soysouce brewing The original paper is written in Japanese. (673KB)
Decrease of Soy Sauce refuse by Application of a High Cellulase-Producing Recombinant Aspergillus oryzae Strain The original paper is written in Japanese. (582KB)
Black Fungi Multiplying in a Brewery The original paper is written in Japanese. (67.3KB)
A Study on Jinhua Houtui in China The original paper is written in Japanese. (717KB)
Idetification and Enzyme Activity of Isolated from Chinese Fermented Food “Jinhua Huotui” ( A study on Jinhua Huotui in China partⅡ) The original paper is written in Japanese. (87.9KB)
General Components , Amino acid, 5 ‘-Nucleotide and Micro-organism of Chinese fermented food “ Jinhua Huotui ” ( A study on Jinhua Huotui in China partⅠ) The original paper is written in Japanese. (175KB)
Koji-Mold Breeding by Protoplast Fution for Sake Brewing The original paper is written in Japanese. (15.6KB)
Properties of Black Aspergilli Isolated from “Wuyihongqu” Made in Longyousheng,Zhejiang The original paper is written in Japanese. (28.4KB)
Cloning and Nucleotide Sequence of the Acid Protease-encoding Gene (pepA) From Aspergillus oryzae The original paper is written in Japanese. (28.4KB)
Changes in Enzyme Activity in Miso during Maturing Process The original paper is written in Japanese. (23.1KB)
Breeding of a Strain of Shochu-koji with High Productivity of Organic Acids The original paper is written in Japanese. (19.7KB)