Advantages of food ingredients fermented by koji

Advantages of food ingredients fermented by koji
In addition to grains conventionally used as ingredients for koji, such as rice, barley, and soy beans, Bio’c Co., Ltd. has developed koji processing technology based on the technology developed since the days of Kojiya Sanzaemon for other grains, beans, root vegetables, and vegetables which have not been used to make koji up to now.

  • By breaking down complex molecular material using the power of koji, foods are more easily digested and absorbed into the body.

  • As foods are converted into koji, they become food resources containing various enzymes.

  • As foods are converted into koji, new nutrients are generated.

Bio’c provides koji made from various materials, especially grains, not only to brewing manufacturers, but also to health food manufacturers, while continuing to accumulate know-how and a record of achievement. Feel free to consult with us.

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